
Underground Birdland.
Cyber novel. [2000
– today]. Net art project & cross media text.

CulturalOlympics.com [2002 – today]. Art project [digital
painting, digital art, performance, text, video art installation, sound art].

The Dramatic
Interpreter Project [2006 – today]: Performing
Prometheus. Hellenic Centre, London, 2006 [digital
painting, digital art, interactive performance, video art installation, sound art].

The Dramatic
Interpreter Project [2006 – today]: Performing
Morpheus. The Foundry, Old Street, London, 2007 [digital
painting, digital art, performance, video art installation, sound art].

The Dramatic
Interpreter Project [2006 – today]: Performing
Eros. Athens, 2011 [digital
painting, digital
art, performance, video art installation, sound art].

Thinking Art Project [2013 – today]: [digital
painting, painting, digital art, performance,
video art installation, sound art].