Books & texts
works - screenplays not included)
It is my choice the self publishing - as philosophy and
practice, for the most of my books. I am doing also, the
digital artwork and technical work and design of the books. During 2018 I
will re-publish in Greek and English the most of my old books via amazon. I will
publish via amazon my new books as well. In one of the oldest of my web
(since 2000),
where I have published one of the first Greek cyber
novels, I will publish information and the full catalogue. In the titles
included among others: theatre plays, philosophy, poetry and papers.
of the titles:
fisherman and his soul. Theatre play, inspired
Oscar Wild's short story. 1997.
Sun-born girl. Theatre play, inspired by
middle age Byzantine text.1998.
Negative entropy
in theatre performance. 2000.
Plastica or Aesthetocosmos.
Sci-fi theatre play. 1999-2000.
New Technologies in
Ancient Greek Drama: a new actor on the stage.
International Symposium about ancient Greek drama, Paphos, Cyprus
(September 2000).
Sci-fi short story. 2000.
Underground Birdland.
Cyber novel &
philosophical text.
GreekWriter.com. 2000
– today.
about net art.
Philosophical and theoretical text. CulutralOlympics.com.
Moriendi: the first self understanding of the
digital world. Philosophical and
theoretical text. 2002 – today.
The 8 letters.
Philosophical and theoretical text. Net art, interactive
cyber text. 2003 & 2015.
Other. Sci-fi
theatre play. 2004.
Directing the ancient
Greek drama using high-tech modern techniques: a new meta-language
expression. Forum “Journeys Across Media”
JAM 2004 at the University of Reading. April 2004.
of Ancient Greek Drama.
4th Annual Postgraduate Symposium.
17–18 June 2004 (Royal
Holloway, University
of London & University
of Oxford).
Stichomythia, a
Web/Multimedia Performance: the new limits of adaptation.
Forum “Journeys Across Media” JAM 2005 at the University of Reading. April
Paper: Performing
Prometheus: the dramatic interpreter, Forum
“Journeys Across Media” JAM 2006 at the University of Reading. April 2006.
Paper: Performing
Prometheus: the dramatic interpreter,
International Symposium, FILE 2006, Sao Paulo, Brazil (August 2006)
(based upon the tragedy The Bachae by Euripides). 2006.
Birds. Theatre Play. 2006.
Theatre play based upon the play by Aristophanes.
The session.
Theatre play.
Lysistrata is sleeping. Theatre
play based upon the play by Aristophanes.
Broken Game (original title: The Session).
Theatre play. 2009.
The dreaming process.
Poetry. 2011.
Dimitris Potamitis: 30
years from his dream. Interviews, theoretical and historical anaylisis of
his work in Theatro Erevnas. 2013.
The roses spirit.
Poetry, 1990-1995). Pub.,
About soul (based upon the homonym book by
Aristoteles ). 2014.
Σύγχρονη Πολιτισμική – Καλλιτεχνική
Δημιουργία (Cultural-Creative
Industries), Τοπική Κοινωνία Και Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη, για το
βιβλίο «Πολιτισμική
Διαχείριση, Τοπική Κοινωνία και Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη» (εκδ. Ελληνικών
Ακαδημαϊκών Ηλεκτρονικών Βοηθημάτων και Συγγραμμάτων «Kallipos»,
για διδασκαλία στο Ελληνικό Ανοιχτό Πανεπιστήμιο και σε τμήματα Κοινωνικών
Επιστημών των Ελληνικών Πανεπιστημίων). 2015.
Egchiridion (based upon texts of Epiktitos).
Theatre play. Philosophical text. 2015.
The fear of your soldiers Odysseus. Poetry.
Acting Code Advanced
Acting Technique. Introducytion to Theory and practice. 2016-2017.
Αεί ο Θεός ο μέγας γεωμετρεί.
Poetry. 2016.
Universal Canvas.
Theatre play. 2016.
